Page History: Fills Window
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Page Revision: 2019/09/26 08:10
Indicates fill volume and price. All prices are shown if multiple prices trade
- All - Shows all filled and partially filled orders as independent groups. Each order has a header that describes the order’s market, side, quantity, average fill price, status, and order type. Beneath the header is a set of rows for each unique price of the filled order. For example, if an order to buy 10 contracts is filled at 6 different prices, there will be 6 rows of information. If the order is filled at one price but just 1 contract at a time, there will be 1 row of information.
- Previous Day Fills by Trade Date
- Shows filled and partially filled orders from previous trade dates and excludes any fills from the current trade date. The formatting and breakdown follows the same structure as the “All” tab.
- Current Day Fills
-Shows filled and partially filled orders from the current trade date and excludes any fills from the previous trade date. The formatting and breakdown follows the same structure as the “All” tab.
- Current Day Fills No Pit Trades
-Shows filled and partially filled orders from the current trade date and excludes any fills from the previous trade date and any “pit trades,” or manual fills. The formatting and breakdown follows the same structure as the “All” tab.
- Order Fills by Price
- Position Fills by Price
- TradeSniper Fills